About this blog and myself

Hey there! If you are interested in traveling to Spain you have come to the right place!

My name is Matt, I'm an American and I am going back to Spain this summer.
I'm originally from the San Francisco Bay Area, but have been living in Sacramento for the last few years. I enjoy sports, travel, reading, and most importantly Spain!

Here at this blog you will able to read about my experiences and thoughts surrounding life in Spain. I will be going to Chipiona, Cadiz, Spain for two months during the summer to visit my girlfriend's family and help out a bit with their businesses. I went last summer for three weeks so I already know a bit about the area.

My girlfriend Rocio was born and raised in Chipiona, a beach-side Andaluz fishing village that is slowly becoming a destination for tourists. Already popular as a second home location with locals, it becomes absolutely packed when the summer sun bakes inland Andalucia. I will be in Chipiona for two months and change from June 15th and will hopefully post here regularly. Stay tuned and subscribe to my feed!